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Time for the Planet wants to roll out globally 100 major open source innovations to decarbonise our society. Innovations that we urgently need to massively reduce greenhouse gases already exist! Yet, they are almost never deployed. Time for the Planet is the citizen movement that identifies, finances and deploys these innovations on a large scale. So that us, mere individuals, take power back in the fight against climate change.

I have chosen to support the citizen movement Time for the Planet which, for more than 2 years now, has been building a new model with a strong environmental impact.

Their core principes are (according to their website)


Investing in Time for the Planet benefits... the planet! You will not receive any financial dividends, but Climate Dividends, which account for the number of tons of greenhouse gases avoided or captured thanks to your investment.

L'open source:

Now is not the time for competition but for cooperation. Every innovation financed by Time for the Planet possesses an open source license, enabling to broadly expand valuable solutions to tackle climate change.

Collective intelligence

We believe that every single person can benefit our mission. Important decisions, such as choosing which innovations to invest money into, are made during general meetings with all shareholders. Our Galaxy of Action allows anyone who wants it to give a hand, in addition to their financial contribution. Galaxie de l’Action permet à chacun d’apporter, s’il ou elle le souhaite un coup de main, en plus de sa participation financière.


Because of our commitments, we consider ourselves accountable to everyone. Executives' salaries are capped and Time for the Planet's accounts are free to access

NB: Employees' salaries cannot be released if they do not wish to.

Science as a guide

Ici, pas de débat, juste du pragmatisme. Nous suivons les recommandations du GIEC, pour qui le développement d’innovations réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre est indispensable pour éviter les scénarios les plus catastrophiques. Les innovations financées sont évaluées d’abord par des évaluateur·ices citoyen·nes, puis par notre Conseil scientifique formé de chercheur·euses et expert·es du climat.


We have gathered in response to the feeling of being powerless against climate change. Our mantra to make things change has thus been: action. At Time for the Planet, we chose to focus on doing rather than saying, as we consider that there already are enough people and organisations focusing on the latter. action. Chez Time for the Planet, on a fait le choix de se concentrer sur le faire plutôt que sur le dire, considérant qu’il existe déjà suffisamment de personnes et d’organisations dans cette seconde catégorie.

From the beginning of of 2022all profits from the sale of my illustrations will be donated to entièrement reversés à 

Time for the Planet.