The purpose of my gallery is to raise money for the citizen movement Time for the Planet. 

These are crucial years if we are to have any chance of limiting the impact of global warming on planet Earth.

To achieve it, we need to act nowYou, me, companies, politicians, sportsmen-women, states, artists, architects, lawyers - everyone. By taking action, we can build together the society of tomorrow.

Together we can create this environmentally friendly society. 

My gallery is part of this new wave which is growing every day, of ideas, actions, concepts for the well-being ouf our planet Earth. 

Une partie de l’argent issu de chaque commande sert à rembourser les coûts fixes et variables engendrés par la galerie et all of the remainder goes to Time for the Planet (more information here). You can contact me if you want to know the exact amounts that are paid out for each format.

Finally, when creating my gallery, there were two points I wanted to be particularly careful about:

1. A smart bank

According to Greenpeace Suisse, les activités économiques soutenues actuellement par la place financière suisse sont compatibles avec un réchauffement climatique catastrophique de 4 à 6°C, alors que nous devons tout faire pour rester en dessous de 1,5°. Nous, consommateurs, avons donc un role to play in choosing wisely which bank to turn to .
As a result, I decided to open an account at the Alternative Bank Switzerland (ABS), which operates by excluding certain non-sustainable sectors and encouraging other sectors that have a positive impact on society and the environment. For more information, see their website.

2. A sustainable website

If Internet was a country, it would be the third largest consumer of electricity. According to The Shift ProjetAccording to a report by the French think-tank, (which I invite you to discover if you are not familiar with it), the internet emits 4% of the world's greenhouse gases, a figure higher than that of air transport. If you want to know more about why and how these figures can be reduced, I invite you to consult that page from Greenpeace..

To get back to the point, I decided to host our site on Infomaniak. A web host is an entity whose purpose is to make websites created and managed by third parties (such as myself) available to Internet users. 

So, Infomaniak, what difference does it make?

« Choosing Infomaniak means opting for a local compagny strongly committed to a sustainable economy and that listens to its customers. »
In addition to being a swiss compagny, Infomaniak has been committed to an ecological charter since 2007, which commits it on a daily basis to act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. To get an idea, Infomaniak uses 100% renewable energies, as well as ecological data centers. 
If you want to know more, you can take a look at this page